Ephraim will be exhibiting his silverpoint drawing Maddie Sleeping in The Silverpoint Exhibition at The National Arts Club this December.
Silverpoint Exhibition
Drawing with silver, gold, copper and mixed media | an old technique – new concepts
The National Arts Club
15 Gramercy Park South
, New York, NY 10003 | (212) 475 3424
December 4, 2013 to December 23, 2013
Gallery Hours: Weekdays: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Weekends: 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Opening Reception: Wednesday, December 4, 2013 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
“The Silverpoint Exhibition” at The National Arts Club is a pivotal investigation of the art of silverpoint by contemporary artists. The artists in this exhibition have been lured by the magic of the medium, enticed into delving into the search for the perfect formula for the perfect surface and tempted into exploring the haunting qualities of silverpoint with their unique vision. They are free from the limitations of materials that bound the old masters. Contemporary artists are using this revered old medium in unexpected new ways.
The show is curated by Sherry Camhy and features works by Dennis Angel, Juliette Aristides, Steven Assael, Cara Boyle, Stacy Brown, Thomas Butler, Sherry Camhy, Mary Grace Concannon, Jeannine Cook, Harvey Dinnerstein, Lois Dinnerstein, Fioretti, Paula Gerard, Richard Husson, Evan Kitson, Margaret Krug, Jeffrey Lewis, Tom Mazzullo, James Melone, Maria Mottola, August Mosca, Carol Prusa, Lauren Amalia Redding, Ephraim Rubenstein, Koo Schadler, Sheldon Schultz, Susan Schwalb, Wendy Shalen, Burton Silverman, Jos. A. Smith, Katie Steiner, Thomas Stubbs, Aidan Terry, Dan Thompson, Ever Blanco Valverde, Costa Vavagiakis, Lea Wight, Jason Bard Yarmosky, Marjorie Williams-Smith, and Blake Zoephel.