The Quickening Image is a process-based exhibition, highlighting the creative potential of the wax-resist technique in drawings by David Dodge Lewis and Ephraim Rubenstein. Their approach integrates a range of standard drawing materials in a single image, using both wet and dry applications. The show, which has been traveling over the past several years to different venues across the country, will open at the Lore Degenstein Gallery at Susquehanna University (Selinsgrove, PA) on September 1 and continue through October 7, 2018. An opening reception has been scheduled for September 1, 7 to 9 p.m., with the artists giving a gallery talk beginning at 7:30 p.m.

At the opening reception, Lore Degenstein Gallery

At the opening reception, Lore Degenstein Gallery

At the opening reception, Lore Degenstein Gallery

At the opening reception, Lore Degenstein Gallery

At the opening reception, Lore Degenstein Gallery